Saturday, March 18, 2017

      Hi, everyone! I have been working on my storyboard lately as well as deciding where and how I am going to be filming my shots. For the location, I need a pretty specific scenario for majority of the film. It has to be a place with woods that also has enough space to run and film in. I will then need clear waters near a dock or an edge that isn’t so tall so that my actor can fall in as well as allowing me to have the chance to film a perfect shot underwater and over-the-water shot. One of the problems is, is that we live in Florida, and well, there's a good amount of sharks and alligators in our watery areas. We need to find a safe place to film, because I along with my actor will spend a good amount of time in the water. Also, it has to be clear waters, and in case you didn't know this before, Florida is known to be very swampy. By being swampy, this means waters tend to look "muddy" and this would seem like a bit of an obstacle I will eventually have to work around to get a good shot in. However, to get this perfect location the nearest spots would be at least a 5 hour drive. Guess it’s time for a road trip!
      Another challenge I will be facing is the lighting I visualize in my head that I want to see in my film. I believe a dark sunset will be the perfect lighting in order to help set the mood of tension, mystery and suspense. In other words, when we film with the actual sunset, the takes have to be perfect on the first or second try because these sunsets leave real quick. And that makes my life complicated. But I know it’ll be worth it. (Hahaha how ironic, as I wrote that sentence I realized it is the same exact phrase I want my character to write down on the paper ball in the film opening). Therefore, we will have to get there early in order to practice all of the acts for each scene in order to have the perfect one once it comes time to actually film the legit shot. The scenario is beautiful though, we are all excited to meet this new place and explore.

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